Integrating referrer and Google Analytics parameters with E-goi

In this article


Referrer, click ID and UTM parameters are key to find out which traffic sources bring in top-converting leads across your marketing campaigns.



What is the referrer?

Whenever someone clicks a link and lands on a site or webpage, their browser stores which page they came from. This is known as referrer and is key to understanding your site traffic.

Example: A visitor is browsing "", which includes a link to your "" site. The visitors clicks this link and lands on your site. The referrer is "", as that's where the person came from.
E-goi automatically stores the referrer for each contact subscribing, for example, via a sign-up page or opt-in form you've created in E-goi.



What are UTM parameters?

UTM parameters (Urchin Tracking Module) are small code snippets from Google that can be added to a link to tag it as a traffic source. They are essential for measuring the performance of your marketing campaigns in Google Analytics.

There are five main parameters:

  • utm_source (source): identifies where traffic is coming from.
  • utm_medium (medium): specifies the type of traffic (e.g., organic, paid, email, social, etc.).
  • utm_campaign (campaign): indicates the individual campaign that generated traffic from the link.
  • utm_term (term): tracks keywords in paid search campaigns, such as Google Adwords (optional).
  • utm_content (content): useful to split-test ad or link variations in the same campaign (optional).
Example: The link to a Black Friday discount on your site is "". The same link with UTM parameters might be "", where Google Analytics will see the source of visits as "promopage", traffic type as "web", and campaign as "blackfriday".

Google has a tool to help you generate UTM links.

E-goi makes this even easier, as you don't need to generate UTM-ready links. Our Integrate with Google Analytics option (available, for example, when creating sign-up pages, opt-in forms, or email campaigns) passes any UTM parameters you need straight into Google Analytics.



What are advertising parameters?

Ad parameters are small code snippets (also known as "Click ID") used by Internet and social media adverts to tag ad traffic in Google Analytics.

E-goi automatically detects three click IDs:

Example: You created a Google Ad linking to a promo offer on your site: "". Google will auto-add a "gclid" parameter (eg. which tags any incoming traffic from your ad in Google Analytics.
E-goi automatically stores the click ID for each contact clicking through a Google, Microsoft or Facebook ad who then subscribes for example, via a sign-up page or opt-in form you've created in E-goi.



Use cases

  • Your company was featured in an online newspaper, which links to your site. Referrer lets you know how many people got to your site straight from the news piece.
  • You'll be sending an email campaign to your customers. By adding UTM parameters to your email links (e.g., "utm_source=email"), you can silo in traffic from this email in Google Analytics.
  • You've got two promos in your site - Black Friday and Xmas, each with its own signup page. UTM parameters allow you to compare conversion for each campaign in Analytics.
  • You created a Google Ads campaign linking to your sign-up page. In addition to seeing your ad traffic in Google Analytics, you can find out which specific contacts got to your sign-up page from your ads, allowing you to engage them with hyper-retargeting efforts.




  • Any E-goi account.
  • Google Analytics account, properly configured to receive UTM parameters you set in E-goi plus click ID parameters "gclid" (Google Ads), "msclkid" (Microsoft Ads) and "fbclid" (Facebook Ads).
  • An E-goi feature which:




Per-contact referrer, click ID and UTM data and segmenting, plus Google Analytics integration, are available for any E-goi account.

However, some of the features including this (eg. pop-up forms) may only be used in certain E-goi plans.



Before you begin


E-goi features supporting referrer

Important! In some rare instances, E-goi may not be sent referrer info (eg. if the contact changed their browser settings so as not to relay any referrer data).



E-goi features supporting Google Analytics to automatically pass click ID and UTM parameters





UTM in email campaigns

1) Create an email campaign in E-goi or edit an existing one.

2) In the Options step, go to Integration and tracking settings and click Integrate with Google Analytics.


3) Enter the UTM parameters which will be passed over to Google Analytics when someone clicks through a link in your email.

E-goi autofills "utm_source" as "e-goi", "utm_medium" as "email", "utm_term" as the email subject line and "utm_campaign" as the contact list the email will be sent out to. This will make it easy to identify traffic from this email in your Google Analytics account.



Integrating landing pages with Google Analytics

1) Create a sign-up landing page in E-goi or edit an existing one. The page will inherit any UTM parameters you've already set in Google Analytics, but you can also set specific UTMs for it.

2) Go to the Options step, head over to More settings and click URL parameters.

3) Set the UTM parameters which will be sent over to Google Analytics when someone signs up on your page.

4) In addition, E-goi will also store your visitors' referrer info, ie. the domain of the webpage visitors clicked through to land on your page. If the visitor gets to your sign-up page from a Google, Microsoft or Facebook ad, E-goi will also store the visitor's click ID.



Integrating sign-up or pop-up forms with Google Analytics

1) Create a sign-up form or pop-up form or edit an existing one in E-goi. The form will inherit any UTM parameters you've already set in Google Analytics, but you can also set specific UTMs for it.

2) Go to the Behaviour step, head over to More settings and click URL parameters.

3) Set the UTM parameters which will be sent over to Google Analytics when someone signs up.

4) In addition, E-goi will also store your visitors' referrer info, ie. the domain of the webpage visitors clicked through to land on your form. If the visitor gets to your form from a Google, Microsoft or Facebook ad, E-goi will also store the visitor's click ID



Integrating on-site messages with Google Analytics

1) Create an on-site message ou edite uma que já tenha no E-goi. The message will inherit any UTM parameters you've already set in Google Analytics, but you can also set specific UTMs for it.

2) Go to the Options step, head over to More settings and click URL parameters.

3) Set the UTM parameters which will be sent over to Google Analytics when someone sees the message.

4) In addition, E-goi will also store your visitors' referrer info, ie. the domain of the webpage visitors clicked through prior to seeing your message. If the visitor who sees your message got there from a Google, Microsoft or Facebook ad, E-goi will also store the visitor's click ID



Integrating Connected Sites with Google Analytics

1) Enable E-goi's Connected Sites in your site.

2) From then on, any visits to your site will be tagged with UTM parameters. E-goi will also store your visitors' referrer info, ie. the domain of the webpage visitors clicked through to land on your site. If the visitor gets to your site from a Google, Microsoft or Facebook ad, E-goi will also store the visitor's click ID



Viewing results by referrer, click ID and UTM

1) Head over to the report of your landing page, sign-up form, pop-up form or on-site message.

2) Under Results, choose either UTM, Click ID or Referrer.


3) You'll see a results breakdown for each referrer, click ID or UTM parameter, which you can further drill down into visits, unique visits, clickthroughs, contacts or exit intents.



Segmenting by referrer, click ID or UTM

Important! Referrer, click ID and UTM data will only be saved in your contact list for contacts subscribing (or re-subscribing) using an E-goi landing page or sign-up form.

By referrer

1) Create a segment in your contact list.

2) Use the Referrer criteria and type in the domain you want to segment for.

3) You'll see any contacts whose referrer matches the domain you entered.


By click ID

1) Create a segment in your contact list.

2) Use the Click ID criteria, choose from one of the three click IDs and type in the value you want to segment for.

3) You'll see any contacts whose click ID value matches the one you entered.


By UTM parameter

1) Create a segment in your contact list.

2) Use the UTM criteria, choose from one of the five UTMs and type in the UTM you want to segment for.

3) You'll see any contacts whose UTM matches the one you entered.



Frequently asked questions


Why should I use referrer, click ID and UTM parameters in my campaigns?

  • Track each traffic source in your campaigns and gauge which drives higher conversions.
  • Get valuable strategy and lead-to-conversion insights.
  • Finetune your campaigns and redirect your budget to where it counts.



Does E-goi store referrer, click ID and UTM data for each contact with no need for any previous setup?

Yes. As long as the contact subscribes using an E-goi landing page or sign-up form, their referrer, click ID and UTM data will be automatically stored in E-goi.