Integrating E-goi's Track & Engage with Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a superb tool to manage all your site's JavaScript tracking and remarketing snippets (such as Google Analytics, AdWords, Facebook ads, etc.).

If you also use E-goi's Track & Engage to curb abandoned carts, this is how you integrate it with Google Tag Manager:

1) First and foremost, enable Track & Engage in your E-goi account and copy the HTML code we provide.

2) Login to Google Tag Manager, create a custom HTML tag, paste the HTML snippet you copied from Track & Engage and save the tag.

Done, you're all set! You can now add extra tags for whatever you need Track & Engage to do, such as dealing with abandoned carts.


Recovering abandoned carts

1) Be sure you've previously set up a tag which kickstarts Track & Engage (by following the steps above). Any other Track & Engage tag you add must always run after this initial tag.

2) Go to Google Tag Manager and create the following data layer variables:

PRODUCTS (the items your visitor added to cart)
TOTAL_PRODUCTS (number of items in the cart)
- TOTAL_CART (amount to pay)
- ID_ORDER (purchase ID)

Use the code snippet below (make sure to replace our placeholder values with actual data parsed off your site):
dataLayer = [{
    'TOTAL_CART': '30',
    'ID_ORDER': 'ABCDE12345',
    'PRODUCTS':  [
                    {sku:'123ABC',nome_produto: 'product1',categoria:'categoryA', preco:10, qtd:1},
                    {sku:'1234ABC',nome_produto: 'product2', categoria:'categoryB', preco:10, qtd:1},
                    {sku:'1235ABC',nome_produto: 'product3', categoria:'categoryC', preco:10, qtd:1}


3) Then create a custom HTML tag for visitors adding items to their cart. Paste this into it and save it:

var valor = {{TOTAL_PRODUCTS}};
for(var i = 0; i < valor; i++)
_egoiaq.push(['addEcommerceItem',dataLayer[0].PRODUCTS[i].sku, dataLayer[0].PRODUCTS[i].nome_produto, dataLayer[0].PRODUCTS[i].categoria, dataLayer[0].PRODUCTS[i].preco, dataLayer[0].PRODUCTS[i].qtd]);

4) Now let's create another custom HTML tag for anyone confirming their purchase. Paste this into it and save it:

"{{ID_ORDER}}", // (required) Unique Order ID
{{TOTAL_CART}}, // (required) Order Revenue grand total (includes tax, shipping, and subtracted discount)

And there you have it! These tags will allow Track & Engage to learn whether visitors left anything in their shopping carts, so you can then automate recovery campaigns in E-goi.

I haven't got a clue about how to do this in Google Tag Manager. Please help!

Don't worry, we'll sort you out :) Just message us using the "Help" menu.