Integrating E-goi with Vtex

In this article


Easily integrate your Vtex online store with E-goi to automate messaging and increase sales.


What does the integration do?

The integration between VTEX and E-goi offers a world of possibilities to automate message sending and boost sales, ensuring effective and dynamic communication with your customers. From contact synchronization to SMS notifications, this integration simplifies processes and enriches your marketing strategies.


Contact Synchronization

  • Mapping between VTEX fields (Master Data) and E-goi fields.
  • Auto-tagging contacs who subscribe through a form on your store.
  • Auto-tagging contacts who register, create an account, or place an order in your store.


Product Synchronization

Sync your product feed in VTEX with your product catalog in E-goi. Once sync is done, you can easily add your store products to your email campaigns.


Streamlined Channel Activation + Behavior Tracking 

By adding the Connected Sites script to your store, you can easily activate pop-up forms, WhatsApp forms, web push notifications, and more.

Additionally, you can enable Track & Engage to record interactions across your store:

  • Recording pageviews.
  • Capturing purchase data and triggering conversions (ex. automate notifications based on when a client order has been paid).
  • Identifying products left in the cart.

With this data, you can, for example:

  • Create cross-selling campaigns by adding products to campaigns
  • Set up automation to recover abandoned carts


Order/shipping notifications via SMS

By using E-goi's Transactional messages in VTEX, you can auto-send messages to your customers upon:

  • Pending payment
  • Payment approved
  • Payment denied
  • Preparing delivery
  • Invoice available
  • Purchased cancelled
  • Boleto recovery (Brazil)
  • Multibanco reference (Portugal) (Easypay-compatible)


Before you begin



Make sure you have administrative access to your VTEX store and your E-goi account.

Also, it's essential to have basic knowledge of how both platforms work to follow integration and synchronization instructions without difficulties.



What is Goidini?

Goidini is our integrations helper. See how it works.





Initial integration

Integrate with VTEX IO via the E-goi Marketing Automation app from the VTEX App Store

1) Install our E-goi Marketing Automation app through the VTEX App Store.


Integrate with VTEX Legacy via Goidini

1) Follow VTEX's tutorial to create a pair of access keys appKey and appToken. Save them in a secure location.

2) Access Goidini with your E-goi account credentials.

3) Click on Create and then on the VTEX icon. Enter the keys generated in step 1.

4) Specify your VTEX store details and select the contact list that will be synchronized in E-goi. Proceed by clicking on Add integration.



Contact synchronization

1) Once the integration is ready, contact syncing (first name, last name, email and mobile) is automatic. Syncing will also automatically create two tags for:

  • subscribers (vtext_subscriber)
  • clients (vtext_client)

Any contacts synced between VTEX and E-goi will always have those two tags.

Be sure not to change the name for these tags, as sync may not work if you modify them.



Creating and mapping additional fields

To create additional fields (extra fields), you can do so through VTEX (Master Data) or directly in E-goi.

Both extra fields are independent and each one corresponds to the platform where it was created. For example, if an extra field is created in VTEX (Master Data), it will only be available in the VTEX (Master Data) extra field listing and will not be created in the E-goi extra fields.


Mapping fields in VTEX IO (via E-goi app)

1) Access your VTEX account, click on the Apps icon, then E-goi, and click on Sync Contacts.

2) Select the VTEX Master Data Entities you want to map. In VTEX Fields, all the fields that can be mapped will appear. Then, select a field in E-goi Fields and click on the "+" symbol and the field will be added.

3) Once you have added all the fields you want to map, click on Save. If you have created any extra fields in VTEX (Master Data) or E-goi, they will appear in the respective listings.


Mapping fields in VTEX Legacy (via Goidini)

1) ACcess Goidini, click on Integrations, open the VTEX tab and click on Edit.

2) In the Map Fields area, select the Entity you want to map. In VTEX Fields, all the fields that can be mapped will appear. Select a field in E-goi Fields and click on the "+" symbol and the field will be added.

3) Once you have added all the fields you want to map, click on Save.



Synchronising products

1) Access your VTEX store's administration and create a product feed in your store following the steps in these tutorials.

The feed you create must follow the formatting shown below.

2) Once you have the URL of the XML file, access Goidini and in the Product Synchronization area, click on Configure.

3) Paste the URL in XML integration URL, select the Currency of the catalog you want and then click on Add integration.

4) To validate that the product import works correctly, go to Goidini to My Resources > Product Catalog and choose the catalog that usually has the name (Vtex [BRL]). You can also check the status of the import recurrence by going to Add products > Synchronize products.



Activating Connected Sites

If you have VTEX IO (that is, you did the initial integration with the E-goi Marketing Automation app from the VTEX App Store), Connected Sites is configured automatically.

If you have VTEX Legacy, you can use Goidini to add the Connected Sites script to your VTEX store:

1) Access Goidini, edit the integration and copy the Connected Sites code.

2) Access your VTEX administration account. In the side menu, go to Storefront and click on Layout.

3) Click on CMS and go to the HTML Templates folder. Click on SubTemplates and then on commonScripts.

4) Paste the Connected Sites code that you copied in step 1 and paste it at the end of the commonScripts file.

5) Go back to Goidini and save the modification you made to the integration.

6) To later activate/deactivate the Track & Engage and E-goi web channels that you will have in your VTEX store, you must enter the Connected Sites page in E-goi.



Activating abandoned cart recovery

1) Access Goidini, edit the integration and copy the Abandoned Cart code.

2) Access your VTEX administration account. In the side menu, go to Settings and then Checkout.

3) Select your store and go to Code.

4) Paste at the end of the checkout6-custom.js file the code that you copied in step 1.



Sending order notifications via SMS

1) Start by activating Transactional messages in your E-goi account.

2) Then, activate Track & Engage in Connected Sites to be able to identify order statuses in your VTEX store.

3) Access Goidini, edit the integration and go to VTEX SMS Notifications. Click on Configure.

4) Edit the text of the SMS corresponding to each type of SMS that can be sent. You can use these parameters to personalize the message.

Parameters available for any SMS
{{clientname}}: customer name.
{{orderid}}: order ID.
{{storename}}: your store name


Parameters available for Easypay Multibanco SMS (requires an integration with Easypay)
{{mbref}}: Multibanco reference.
{{mbentity}}: entity code.
{{mbval}}: amount to pay.


Parameters available for Boleto Bancário SMS (requires the Boleto URL to be configured)
{{boletourl}}: Boleto URL.



For a "Pending Payment" SMS:
Hello {{clientname}}, payment for order {{orderid}} made at {{storename}} is pending. Please complete your payment.

For the "Boleto Recovery" SMS
Hello {{clientname}}. Thank you for your order. You can pay your boleto here: {{boletourl}}

For the "Easypay MB Multibanco Recovery" SMS
Hello {{clientname}}, To pay for your order {{orderid}}, use this Multibanco info:
Entity: {{mbentity}}
Reference: {{mbref}}
Amount to pay: {{mbval}}

5) Choose your SMS sender and enter the name of your store. The store name will be in your URL (e.g. if the URL is , your store name will be egoipartner ).

6) Once you have created your SMS content, click Save.



Frequently Asked Questions


How do I solve any issues with my VTEX integration?

Check if your VTEX user has administrator permissions and make sure the product feed URL is correct and accessible.


The products do not appear correctly in the feed

  • Make sure that the entire product collection in the VTEX store is selected and that the feed URL matches your store's domain.
  • VTEX places the URL as but "" should be your full store domain (e.g. ).


Products with wrong prices

Check the thousand separator settings in the feed and make sure to use prices without a thousand separator.


Managing multiple VTEX stores

Create a separate integration for each store in VTEX with distinct lists and users in E-goi, keeping a specific catalog and domain for each.

Example: for 3 stores in the same VTEX installation and the same E-goi account, you will need to have 3 VTEX sites, 3 E-goi users, 3 contact lists in E-goi, 3 catalogs in E-goi and 3 domains in E-goi (automatically created when installing the app).


Contact synchronization frequency

Contact sync takes place hourly for new customers, but purchases are synchronized immediately after the purchase is completed.