Integrating E-goi with Magento Adobe Commerce

In this article


Integrate your Magento-powered site with E-goi for marketing automation. Sync customers, track behaviors, send transactional messages, and more!



What does the integration do?

This integration provides a wide range of features to unleash the full potential of your Magento online store, from contact syncing to sophisticated tracking, conversion and nurturing workflows.

  • Contact/customer syncing (the main customer fields are already mapped and will be synchronized with your list)
  • Notify customers by SMS when order status changes
  • Notify customers by SMS on PagSeguro/Boleto payments
  • Sends Multibanco reference via SMS to Portuguese customers.
  • Enables Connected Sites, a powerful feature that monitors your customers across your store.
  • Enables Track & Engage (abandoned cart recovery)
  • Synchronizes store products with E-goi so you can easily include them in your email campaigns.
  • Transactional emails so you can send all transactional Magento emails via E-goi.
  • Revenue per E-goi campaign
  • Sends automatic campaigns via email, SMS or web push, such as welcome, post-purchase, birthday, loyalty campaigns, etc.



Requirements to use the integration

  • An E-goi account with a paid plan.
  • Magento 2 (now known as Adobe Commerce)
  • Also be sure that:
    • your server meets the minimum requirements for Magento 2 (especially PHP version and available memory).
    • you have access and writing permission to the main Magento folder as well as to the Database.
    • You have SOAP installed and operational in the PHP of your Magento.
    • You have permissions in Magento to use the E-goi plugin.




This integration is available in any E-goi account.

The integration is free, but the contacts and customers you synchronize from Magento, as well as the sending of campaigns (e.g. email, SMS) will have their own associated costs, depending on the features of your E-goi plan.



Before you start


E-goi API Key

When running the integration for the first time, Magento will request the API key of your E-goi account.



What is Track & Engage?

It is a feature of E-goi that monitors orders and purchase intents of customers in your online store.

Based on this data, Track & Engage can help create automated campaigns for purchase conversion or abandoned cart recovery.

By using this integration with E-goi, Track & Engage is automatically configured in your Magento.




What is Connected Sites

It is a feature of E-goi that integrates your Magento site with E-goi's contact capture and campaign sending channels (e.g. signup forms, customer nurturing automations, etc.).

By using this integration with E-goi, Connected Sites is immediately configured in your Magento.





Integrating with Magento

To perform the installation, you need to download the E-goi plugin and upload the content of the file to the root directory of your Magento store and clear the Magento cache. If you need help, contact your developer or Magento specialist.

1) Download the E-goi extension for Magento 2, unzip the ZIP file and use your FTP program to put all the contents of the Egoi2 folder in your Magento store root folder.
Run these three commands via SSH in the root folder (the last two only if the store is online):

  • bin/magento setup:upgrade 
  • bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • bin/magento setup:setup-static-content:deploy

2) Once running, the extension will create in your E-goi account a contact list with two extra fields:

  • magento_locale* (with the language of the store)
  • magento_store* (with the URL of your store)

These designations and logic are part of the Magento operating mode.

3) After installing the plugin, go to the Marketing menu in your Magento store administration, where you will see a new menu called E-goi Marketing. Use the API key of your E-goi account to start the extension.

4) After completing the previous step, you should configure the options you want through the left side menu in Stores > Configuration > Customers > E-goi Marketing > Account Configuration, Click on Save config when finished.

5) By installing the plugin, Connected Sites and Track & Engage are also enabled in your E-goi account. From now on, customers who sign up in your Magento store will also be synchronized with your contact list on E-goi and will be monitored by Track & Engage.

6) Next time you run the cron in your Magento, all store customers will be synchronized with the contact list in E-goi. You can also manually sync it in Magento through the left side menu in Marketing > E-goi Marketing > Account > Sync Data.


Check that it works

1) If in Stores > Configuration > Customers > E-goi Marketing > Sync previous subscribers you chose Yes and saved the configuration, confirm that after running the cron your store contacts/customers  were synced with your contact list in E-goi.

2) You can also see your contacts/customers in Marketing > E-goi Marketing > Subscribers.

3) Create a customer account in your Magento store and check that, after some time, it syncs with your contact list in E-goi.

4) Using that same account, make a purchase and check that after the purchase the customer is synced with your contact list in E-goi.



Enabling SMS sending

With this feature, customers will receive SMS updates about the status of their orders.

Also, if you are using PagSeguro (Boleto) or Multibanco (Ifthenpay, euPago or easypay), you can also integrate SMS sending with these services and text payment info and payment reminders.

1) In Magento, you will have to select your SMS sender via the left side menu in Stores > Configuration > Customers > E-goi Marketing > Account Configuration > SMS Sender.

2) After selecting your SMS sender, choose when to send the SMS through the left side menu in Marketing > E-goi Marketing > Autoresponders and click on New Autoresponder.

3) You will see a list of necessary options that you must select and fill in. After all options have been completed, click on Save Autoresponder. The created autoresponder will appear in the list of SMS autoresponders.

For each SMS (Order or Payment or Multibanco) you want to send, you will have to create an autoresponder for it. All created autoresponders will appear in the list of SMS autoresponders.


Check that it works

1) In Magento, left side menu, go to Stores > Configuration > Customers > E-goi Marketing > Account Configuration > Test.

2) In Mobile Number, enter a valid number to receive the SMS and then click on Test Now,

3) Shortly afterwards, you should receive an SMS at the number you indicated.

4) Make a purchase in your Magento store with a new customer or with an existing one who has an associated mobile number and choose a payment method that you previously configured to receive SMS,

5) Complete the purchase and confirm that you receive the SMS on that number.

6) You can also check that the SMS was sent in Magento. In the left side menu, go to Marketing > E-goi Marketing > Autoresponders Logs and you will see the information.



Sync your store's products with E-goi

This option requires knowledge of how Magento works. If you need help, contact your developer or Magento specialist.

1) In Magento, choose your Main Website Store, through the left side menu go to Stores > Configuration.

2) In the upper left corner click on Scope and select your store, which is located below the Main Website Store.

3) After selecting your store, click on Customers > E-goi Marketing > Catalog Sync.

4) Now in Enable Catalog Sync choose Yes and configure the remaining options. When finished, click on Save Config.

5) All products will be synchronized with your Product Catalog in E-goi.

Next time you run the cron in your Magento, all store products will be synced with the Product Catalog in E-goi. You can also manually sync in Magento through the left side menu in Marketing > E-goi Marketing > Account > Sync Catalog Products.


Check that it works

1) In Magento, left side menu, go to Marketing > E-goi Marketing > Account and check in the E-goi Catalogs Management tab if the product catalog is created.

2) Go to that same Product Catalog in your E-goi account and verify if the products have been synchronized. You can see the details of a product and click on the corresponding link to confirm it's working.



Enable transactional emails

With this feature, all transactional emails sent by your Magento store (e.g. password recovery, order confirmation) will be processed by E-goi.

This allows you to free your server from email processing, improve delivery effectiveness, and have reports on openings, clicks, etc.

1) Enable Transactional messages in your E-goi account

2) In Magento, go to Stores > Configuration > Customers > E-goi Marketing > Transactional Emails through the left side menu.

3) In Enable Transactional Emails, choose Yes.

4) Configure the transactional options:

Username (this is the login you use in E-goi)
Password (this is the password you use in E-goi)
Domain (this is the domaing of the email sender you created for sending emails in E-goi)

5) Click on Save Config to save the options. Transactional emails via E-goi are now active in Magento.


Check that it works

1) In Magento, go to Stores > Configuration > Customers > E-goi Marketing through the left side menu.

2) In Test Settings click on Test Now.

3) You should receive a test email that confirms that all settings are correct.



Frequently Asked Questions


The promotional prices of products in my store do not sync with E-goi

If promotional prices (or discounts) are applied by Catalog or Cart rules, they will not be synchronized to E-goi, since it is not possible to guarantee the defined rules (by website, customer group, category, currency, etc.) and apply them in synchronization.

For synchronization, only promotional prices applied directly to the product sheet are considered.

Alternatively, you can use XML feed or CSV file with products and promotional prices and import it directly into your E-goi account in a specific catalog created for this purpose.


The revenue from purchases originating from my E-goi campaigns does not appear in E-goi

Confirm that when creating the email campaign, in the options area, the utm_source parameter of Google Analytics is set to e-goi.


I'm having issues with the integration

  • The E-goi plugin was developed for "core" Magento, i.e., for an installation of Magento without extras. If your installation has customizations or other plugins that alter Magento, the intervention of your developer or Magento specialist may be necessary to ensure compatibility.
  • Confirm that:
    • your server meets the minimum requirements for Magento 2 (especially PHP version and available memory).
    • you have access and writing permission to the main Magento folder as well as to the Database.
    • You have SOAP installed and operational in the PHP of your Magento.
    • You have permissions in Magento to use the E-goi plugin.