Using Track & Engage to increase sales on my site (eg. recover abandoned carts)

In this article


Track & Engage can track what your site visitors do (browsed pages, items added to cart, completed purchases, etc.) and engage them at key stages, driving conversions, win-backs and repeat business. 


What is Track & Engage?

Track & Engage is a powerful E-goi feature that allows you to identify visitors and engage them in strategically automated ways.

By embedding a small code snippet on your site, Track & engage tracks visitor actions such as page views, items in cart, and completed purchases, allowing you to automate highly targeted marketing campaigns (e.g. cart recovery or "you-may-also-like" emails) and show you sales brought in by each campaign.



Before you begin



  • Make sure your site has been connected to E-goi using Connected Sites.
  • Keep in mind that Track & Engage only tracks visitors who access your site via links in E-goi campaigns.



Goal types

  • System-based goals: These are Internal Track & Engage goals which are essential to detect purchase intents. They'll show up as Add to Cart and Purchase.
  • Automatic goal: A goal you set using E-goi's interface, with no coding required. It can be triggered:
    • When the visitor:
      • Visits a URL that:
        • Contains a set of characters (eg, "/ebook")
        • Is exactly a certain set of characters (eg, "")
        • Is a regular expression (eg, ".*\.pdf$" will cover any PDF download from your site)
      • Visits a page whose title:
        • Contains a set of characters (eg, "Offer")
        • Is exactly a certain set of characters (eg, "Black Friday Offer")
        • Is a regular expression (eg, ".*blackfriday$" will identify any page title mentioning "blackfriday"
          Important! Track & Engage sees the page title as the page's <title> tag.
      • Downloads a file that:
        • Contains a set of characters (eg, "ebook")
        • Is exactly a certain set of characters (eg, "")
        • Is a regular expression (eg, ".*\.pdf$" will cover any PDF download)
      • Clicks a link to another website that:
        • Contains a set of characters (eg, "/partner")
        • Is exactly a certain set of characters (eg, "")
        • Is a regular expression (eg, ".*\partner$" will cover any mention of "partner" in the other site URL)
    • Number of conversions per visit:
      • Only one (even if the visitor reaches the goal multiple times, Track & Engage will see it as conversion the first time)
      • More than one (each goal visit from the same visitor will be seen as a conversion).
        The More than one option is perfect for purchase and add-to-cart goals, as these are recurring from the same visitor.
  • Manually set goal: You'll need to configure it solely via the code we provide, allowing for maximum flexibility.
    Important: Using this goal on your site requires developer skills.
  • Time-based goal: It'll watch how long the visitor interacts with your page (eg, Track & Engage will see it as a conversion if the visitor stays on your site for more than 30 seconds).





Adding the Track & Engage code snippet to your site

1) Start by adding your site to our Connected Sites (if you told us your site URL when first signing up for an E-goi account, it may be there already).

2) Copy the tracking code you'll find under the Track & Engage section of Connected Sites.


3) Paste the code in your site footer (check that you add it only once).

4) Wait a couple minutes, go back to Connected Sites and check for a green tick next to Status.

5) From then on, Track & Engage will trace back any campaigns you send via E-goi containing links to your site.




Sending a targeted campaign to people who visit a page on your site

Now that Track & Engage is up and running, you can create goals. Say you run a hotel. How about triggering a campaign for anyone who visits your pricing page?

1) Go to the My resources menu and select Goals and objectives.

2) Under Goals, hit Add and select Automatic goal.


3) Give the goal a title. In this example let's make it "people who visited my pricing page". Choose your website under Domain. Under how the goal will be triggered, select Visits a URL, tick Is exactly and type in the URL of your pricing page. Under How many goal conversions per visit?, select Only one (so that your goal is only tracked the 1st time a visitor views the page). Then hit Add goal.

4) Now let's tell Track & Engage how to identify visitors. Click Visitor fields and hit Choose. Select the contact list you'll be sending campaigns to and the field (eg. email address) Track & Engage will use to match people.

5) Create an automation which is enabled by the Track & Engage trigger. When setting the trigger up, choose the "People who visited my pricing page" goal you created above and save the trigger. Connect a Wait action to it and set it to wait for, say, 15 minutes. Save the Wait action and connect it to a Send campaign action, where you'll create a campaign asking visitors if they're interested in booking a room!




Import products from my store into E-goi

Via E-goi integration

If your online store integrates directly with E-goi (e.g. WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Magento Adobe Commerce), it'll auto-sync all products for you.


Via CSV file

1) In E-goi, go to My resources > Product catalog.

2) E-goi sees a catalog as a set of products (eg. all the products in a specific language or currency in your store). This means you'll need to create a catalog before adding products. So, in the window that comes up, hit Create catalog.

3) Provide the catalog with a name, choose the language and currency of the products it'll contain and click Create.

4) Now that you've created the catalog, let's crack on with importing your products! First things first: export the products from your online store as a CSV file. The fields "Title", "Id_product", "Price" and "Image_link" (for the title, product ID, price, and product image link) are mandatory. See our sample CSV.

Important: If your products don't include info for all the fields above (say, you don't have product IDs), you can still do the import. Just leave those columns empty in your CSV file. Don't delete any column though, as they are required for the import.

5) Once you're sure your CSV file follows exactly the same format as our template, click Add products in the import window, choose your CSV file and wait until E-goi is done importing it.


Via XML file

1) Follow the same for importing a CSV file. Your XML file must be compatible with Google Merchant, RSS 2.0, and Atom 1.


Adding store products to your email

1) Create your email using Email Builder and drag the Products widget (left-hand side panel) to where in the email you want the product to be displayed.

2) Then just select the product to show and you're all set! On the editor's left-hand panel you can choose which product info to include (price, description, etc.). To display more products (you can have up to three in the same block), click the plus sign on the lower right corner and pick any other product.




Recover abandoned carts

One of the really cool things about Track & Engage is the ability to pinpoint non-buyers who added something to their cart. You can trigger a campaign to nudge them into completing their purchase:

1) Cart recovery requires Track & Engage to know your product catalogue back to front. Hence, first create an E-goi catalogue with all the items available in your online shop (this is quite simple to do).

2) Once you've created a full product catalogue in E-goi, go to the My resources menu and select Goals and objectives.

3) Under Objectives, hit Add and then Automatic goal.

4) Give the goal a title (let's make it "people who added an item to their cart"). Choose your site under Domain. Under how the goal will be triggered, select Visits a URL, tick Contains and type in part of  what your site URL displays when people add a product to their cart (eg. "checkout/add"). Under How many goal conversions per visit?, select Multiple (as each customer may view their cart multiple times). Then hit Add goal.

5) Now let's tell Track & Engage how to identify visitors. Click Visitor fields and hit Choose. Select the contact list you'll be sending campaigns to and the field (eg. email address) Track & Engage will use to match people.

6) Create an automation using our Abandoned cart template (comes complete with everything you need).


Edit the automation's Track & Engage trigger and choose the "people who added an item to their cart" goal you created above. Save the automation.

You're all set! When you enable the automation, it'll listen for contacts who've got a product added to their cart for more than 2 hours and send then a "Forgot something" wink-wink nudge-nudge email (and yes, you can freely customise this email). If the contact has purchased the item in the meantime, they will be tagged as "Buyer".




Integrating Track & Engage with Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is perfect for managing all marketing codes you use on your site, including Track & Engage.

1) To add the Track & Engage code into Google Tag Manager, see our technical documentation.



Frequently Asked Questions


Does Track & Engage track all visits to my site?

Yes, as long as they originated from an E-goi campaign! People getting to your site from other sources (eg. Google or off their favourites) won't be tracked.

Once you've added the Track & Engage snippet to the site, any E-goi campaign sent out to your contacts containing a link to your site (eg. a promo email) will be monitored by Track & Engage!


Where can I view my Track & Engage stats?

Open your email report and click the Ecommerce tab to view the sales it brought in! You may also head over to the Reports menu and click Online sales to glance at your overall results.


If I add a web push invite to my site, does Track & Engage tell me who signed up?

Yes! There's usually no easy way to identify visitors who opt in to your web push notifications (this is logged in the visitor's browser only). However, if:

  • You've got Track & Engage set up and running
  • The visitor has browsed your site at least once from a link in an email you sent them using E-goi

Then E-goi will know who says "yes" to your web push invite!


Is Track & Engage included in E-goi's shop plugins?

Virtually all our shop integrations (WooCommerceShopify, etc.) include Track & Engage by default and ready to use.


I've got my own ecommerce system already set up (cart recovery emails, "you may also like" widgets, etc.). Can I track it all with Track & Engage?

Yes, but it is a more advanced process that must be carried out by the programmers of your site! You will need to create manual Track & Engage goals based on this technical documentation.


How to grow my sales?

Track & Engage can help you rock sales, but it all starts with your online store:

  • Superior customer experience: Your entire online business should be laser-focused on getting clients to feel welcome and happy. You can only turn them into repeat buyers with an intuitive, frictionless experience sitewide. Check out these tips.
  • Sales pipelines: You've got multiple touchpoints across your site which are perfect to trigger engaging messaging workflows. See how to map those out.
  • Lead scoring: Each visitor is different - their wants, their needs, even what got them into your site! Gather round your marketing people and dig into what makes each customer tick. Come up with multiple profiles and nurture them differently. This how-to will help you
  • Nurturing workflows: One of the most effective, battle-tested ways to keep customers engaged along their whole lifecycle! How to do it.
  • Cross-selling and upselling: People are more likely to buy extra from you right when they're about to complete their purchase - or a wee bit later. This is the perfect chance to upsell them into a product set (eg. "get the full look" when buying a piece of clothing) or related items (eg. a keyboard to go along with the mouse they've nabbed). E-goi's product widgets can auto-embed these in your transactional emails.
  • Abandoned cart recovery: Win back non-buyers who left something in their cart! Go for scarcity (eg. "the item in your cart will be out of stock soon") or, say, 5% off to nudge them into a purchase. You can do this automatically using our email cart recovery widgets.