Adding products to my email using Email Builder

E-goi can automatically plug items from your online store straight into your email campaign!

Perfect to engage customers with related products or items left in their cart. Simply drag-and-drop our ecommerce widgets while using Email Builder.


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Which items can I pull into my email?


  • Manually-added (how to do it)
    Pick and choose items from your store.
  • Abandoned cart (how to do it)
    Auto-inserts items the customer left in their cart.
  • Dynamic if-based items (how to do it)
    Automatically adds items based on specific conditions (eg. yellow kids glasses).
  • Alternative or similar (how to do it)
    Showcases "you-might-also-like" variants to items already in the cart.
    E-goi will fetch them from the same category or subcategory (eg. similar keyboard models from the same brand).
  • Related (how to do it)
    Cross-selling bonanza! Displays items related to the ones in the cart.
    E-goi will fetch other items which go together (eg. keyboard + mouse + mouse pad + HDMI cable).

  • Last seen (how to do it)
    Displays items the customer saw while browsing your site.




How do I add products from my online store into my email?

First, be sure the product catalogue in your online store is nicely put together! Logically designed categories and enticing, to-the-point descriptions for every item go a long way to make things easier down the line :)

The more effort you put into your catalogue, the better E-goi can help you sell!



  • Products widget

Cherry-pick items from your store into your email.

1) Import your product catalogue into E-goi.

2) While creating your email using Email Builder, drag the Products widget to where you want and choose the product to display.


  • Abandoned cart widget

Use it to automatically show the items in the customer's cart.

1) Import your product catalogue into E-goi.

2) Enable E-goi's Track & Engage across your site so we can track what's in your customers' abandoned carts.

3) While creating your email using Email Builder, drag the Abandoned cart widget to where you want it and choose your settings on the right-hand panel.

The email preview won't display any items (just a series of codes), as we can't see what items the customer will have in their cart at this time. Actual items will be shown in the live email only.

4) Choose the Buyers with items in their cart segment when sending out your email.

Widget Carrinho Abandonado



  • Dynamic products widget

Perfect to quickly showcase items matching specific conditions (eg. yellow kids glasses).

1) Import your product catalogue into E-goi.

2) While designing your email using Email Builder, drag the Dynamic products widget to where you want it and create your Product segment using the right-hand panel.

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  • Alternative or similar products widget

Displays variants to items in the cart, to items purchased (pretty handy for "you-might-also-like" sections in your email) or displays a specific similar item.

E-goi will fetch them from the same category or subcategory (eg. similar keyboard models from the same brand).

1) Import your product catalogue into E-goi.

2) Enable E-goi's Track & Engage across your site so we can track what your customers purchase or add to their cart.

3) While creating your email using Email Builder, drag the Alternative products widget to where you want it and choose your settings on the right-hand panel. The similar items can be based on:

Email Builder's preview won't display any items (just a series of codes), as we can't see what items the customer will have in their cart at this time. Actual items will be shown in the live email only.

4) Choose the proper segment when sending out your email.

Example: If the similar items would be shown to customers with abandoned carts, your segment would be Buyers with items in their cart.



  • Related products

Perfect for cross-selling! Displays items related to items in the customer's cart, items the customer bought or a specific item.

E-goi will fetch other items which go together (eg. keyboard + mouse + mousepad + HDMI cable).

1) Import your product catalogue into E-goi. Ensure that your CSV file includes a related_product column with the products related to each product. Check out our CSV example.

2) Enable E-goi's Track & Engage across your site so we can track your customers' items.

3) While creating your email using Email Builder, drag the Related products widget to where you want it and choose your settings on the right-hand panel. The items can be related to:

Email Builder's preview won't display any items (just a series of codes), as we can't see what items the customer will have in their cart at this time. Actual items will be shown in the live email only.

4) Choose the proper segment when sending out your email.

Example: If the related items would be shown to customers with abandoned carts, your segment would be Buyers with items in their cart.



  • Last seen products

Displays items the customer browsed in your site.

1) Import your product catalogue into E-goi.

2) Enable E-goi's Track & Engage across your site so we can track what's in your customers' abandoned carts.

3) While creating your email using Email Builder, drag the Viewed products widget to where you want it and choose your settings on the right-hand panel.

The email preview won't display any items (just a series of codes), as we can't see what items the customer will have in their cart at this time. Actual items will be shown in the live email only.

4) Choose the Last seen products segment when sending out your email.