I've got a low sending reputation. Why?

Plenty of reasons, but these are key:
- Questionable mailing lists
- Lots of complaints
- Lots of opt-outs
- Lots of bounces

Any of the above is a telltale sign that your target audience is not interested in your messages. And the lower their engagement, the lower your sending reputation!

If your reputation plunges, your emails won't reach the inbox. Too much of a drop and you could also get your account suspended! So make sure NEVER to:

Import contacts into E-goi without their prior authorisation
Ensure that all your contacts subscribed using a double opt-in form. This will have required them to manually confirm their own subscription - the only way to be positive they're keen to hear from you. Also double-check that your sign-up form clearly tells your contacts about the type of content you'll be sending and who the sender will be!

Import old, stale lists
People have a lot of things in their minds. If you haven't mailed your list in many months, most of your contacts will probably have forgotten they ever subscribed. Before resuming your emails, send them a nice friendly "remember me?" message with a re-subscription link asking them to click if they're still interested. Keep those who say "yes!" and purge the others.

Import purchased or harvested lists
They're swarming with spamtraps and bounces which will wreck your reputation forever. Kill them with fire!

Import offline lists
If your contacts subscribed using a hard-copy form at your physical store or at a trade fair, you're bound to get misspellings which will spew out a lot of bounces! Consider having your list cleaned up before you do the import (drop us a line using the Help section in your E-goi account so we can give you a hand).

Send irrelevant messages
A double opt-in list will do you no good if everyone flags your emails as spam because they just aren't interested. Segment your mailings according to each subscriber's preferences and engage them with highly targeted, ultra-relevant content which they can't wait to open and click through to see!

Send contents from another company
People subscribed to your list to hear from you - not someone else. If you really need to cross-promote a different brand to your list, make sure you place a can't-miss-it warning on the message header letting your contacts know this is a non-standard, promoted email and telling them why. Be honest! Never - ever - send out a message from another company to your list without a proper explanation!

Send spam
'Nuff said ;)