Creating a WhatsApp form

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E-goi allows you to set up a WhatsApp form on your site, making it easy for people to get in touch with your business.



What is an E-goi WhatsApp form?

In addition to all kinds of sign-up forms, E-goi allows you set up a WhatsApp form on your site.

Perfect for people to get in touch with your business in a snap - a single click is all it takes for them to send you a WhatsApp message with their contact info!

You can:

  • Get customers to contact you using the currently most popular chat app around.
  • Capture new leads or contacts.
  • Nurture them using a wide range of channels and automations.



Before you start



Before creating and implementing the WhatsApp Form, make sure you already have an E-goi account set up with your company's information, including your business WhatsApp number. Also, ensure that you have access to the HTML of your website to add our connection code.





Connect E-goi to your website

1) Go to the upper-right corner menu, click Advanced settings and hit Connected Sites on the left-hand panel.

2) Click Add and type in your website URL. Choose the contact list the form will feed people into.

3) E-goi will display a code snippet. This is what gets E-goi and your site talking. It works similarly to the Google Analytics tracking code. To add it to your site, simply head over to your website's backend and paste it into the footer source code.

4) Save your site changes and you're done! It should take only a few moments for Connected Sites to tell you the connection is live.




Create the WhatsApp form

1) Go to the Collect menu.

2) Head over to Forms and hit Create.

3) Choose WhatsApp form and select the contact list your WhatsApp leads will be fed into.

4) Click Next to view the form settings available to you.

The key thing here is the sender (ie. the mobile number your contacts will be sending WhatsApp messages to).

The number shown is the one you provided when creating your E-goi account, but you can add a different number if needed.

Once you've set the sender, move on to the next step.

5) Edit the form. By default its look and feel will be similar to WhatsApp's.

You can change some things, such as the intro text, fields and icon placement.

6) When you're done, proceed to Behaviour.

This is where you choose when and how the WhatsApp icon will pop up to your site visitors.

You can also auto-tag WhatsApp sign-ups so you can easily segment and target those people later on!

7) Onwards to fhe last step, where you'll select the site your WhatsApp form will be enabled on (usually the same you've added in step 1). Then hit Next. Your form is ready!



Checking that your form is active

1) Go back to Connected Sites and double-check the WhatsApp form you created is shown as enabled.

2) Wait a couple seconds and head over to (or reload) the website page you added the form to.

3) You should now see the WhatsApp icon! Click on it to bring up the form. People can then fill in their contact info and send you a WhatsApp message straight off your site!



Frequently asked questions


Can I use more than one WhatsApp number in the same form?

When you create a WhatsApp form, you can only select one number. But if you really need to use mulltiple WhatsApp numbers, you can create more than one WhatsApp form, each with a different number.


Is it possible to edit the form after I create it?

Yes, you can edit the form at any time to adjust settings, visual customizations, or behavioral changes in the Forms section of E-goi.


How can I ensure that the form is working correctly on my website?

In addition to seeing the WhatsApp icon on the website, you can test the form by filling it out to ensure that the information is being correctly captured and stored in the chosen contact list.


Can I change the contact list assigned to my form after I create the form?

No. To ensure data integrity, the list you selected is permanently assigned to your form.

As an alternative, you can clone the form and assign it a different contact list:

1) Go to the Collect menu, then Forms and click View all.

2) Locate your form, click its options button (right-hand side) and choose Clone.

3) Select the contact list the new form will be assigned to.


Can the form be impacted by a browser adblocker?

Yes. Check out why in our landing page how-to.