Customising my form's double opt-in

To change the form's default double opt-in behaviour:

1) Click the Collect menu, select Forms and click View all. Head to your form, hit the options button (right-hand side of the page) and choose Behaviour.

2) The form settings window will come up. Under Behaviour, choose whether contacts will be sent a confirmation email for each of their actions (eg. when signing up, when changing their subscription info, etc.). Keep in mind disabling the confirmation email for new contacts will turn your form into single opt-in, which doesn't ensure consent from your leads and can damage your deliverability!


Customising the double opt-in email

1) Under Behaviour, if you choose to send a confirmation email to new contacts, a button will come up allowing you to edit the email.

2) Now just customise the email to your heart's content. Do remember that our opt-in email was designed for maximum deliverability across all ISPs (Gmail,, Yahoo, etc.). This means you should think carefully about what you change, as you may unwittingly get your form's emails flagged as spam!


Redirecting sign-ups to a specific page

1) Under Behaviour, if you choose to send a confirmation email to new contacts, you'll also be able to select whether contacts will be taken to E-goi's default post-subscription page or a specific URL of your own.

2) Choose to take contacts to a specific URL, enter it and save your changes.

Limiting form sign-ups

This is really easy to do! Scroll down to Limit sign-ups, tick how you want the form to limit subscriptions and save your changes.