E-goi tells me that my user's email is no longer accessible. Now what?

Every user in E-goi (i.e. anyone acessing E-goi with a user account) needs to have a valid email address to receive system notifications (eg. import results, performance reports, etc.) and to get in touch with our support staff when needed.

If E-goi notices that your user's email address is no longer accessible due to a hard bounce, you'll only be able to log into E-goi after you change your email to a working address. How? It's quite simple:

1) E-goi will ask you to change your user's email address when you log in. Simply edit the Email field and replace your email by a valid, working email address. Then hit Save.

2) E-goi will email a validation message to your new address. Just click on the message's confirmation link to validate the address and associate it with your E-goi user account.

3) Once you've validated your email address, be sure to log out from your E-goi account (click the upper right corner menu and select Logout) and log into your account again. You should then be able to use E-goi normally.

That's all there is to it! If you still can't log in after updating your user's email, drop us a line.