Creating and managing campaigns

Themes of this article


E-goi makes managing your multichannel marketing campaigns better and more efficient.



What is a campaign?

In E-goi, a campaign is sending a message to your contacts through a specific channel (email, SMS, etc.).

Effectively managing marketing campaigns is crucial to the success of your communications. E-goi offers robust features that allow you to do this.



Before you start



Make sure you have access to your E-goi account and familiarize yourself with the user interface to easily navigate between different sections. It is also important to have a clear vision of your campaign plan, including the channel through which you will send the message (email, SMS, etc.), the target audience segments, and the content to be communicated.



Step by step


Viewing your campaigns

1) Click on Engage in the menu and then select Campaigns to view all your campaigns.



Creating a campaign

1) Click on Engage in the menu and then click on Create in the channel you want to use to send the campaign (email, SMS, etc.).

2) Follow the steps shown create the campaign via that channel.



Organizing campaigns into groups

Create groups

1) Click the "Engage" menu and then "Campaigns" (on the left) to view them all.

2) Hit the options button on the upper right corner of the page and select "Groups".

3) Type in the group name and choose whether you'd like all campaigns assigned to it to have a social sharing bar (it'll help your contacts share your campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

4) Click the green confirmation button and do the same for any other groups you wish to create.


Associate campaigns with the group

1) Select the campaigns you want to assign (by ticking the checkbox to their left), click the options button on the upper right corner of the listing and choose "Assign to a group".



Duplicating a campaign

1) Click the "Campaigns" menu to view your campaigns page.

2) Locate the campaign you want to copy, hit its options button (it's on the right; the one with three lines) and choose "Clone".



Deleting a campaign

1) Go to Engage > Campaigns and locate the campaign you want to delete.

2) Click on the options button (three dots) next to the desired campaign and choose Delete.

3) If the campaign has not yet been sent or has been sent more than 30 days ago, it will be deleted.

Campaigns sent can only be deleted 30 days after being sent to ensure that your contacts have had enough time to interact with it, which protects your sending reputation.



Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I organize my campaigns into groups?

Organizing into groups helps manage and locate your campaigns more easily, allowing for a clear view of your marketing strategies based on product, language, department, etc.


Why can't I delete a campaign immediately after sending it?

The 30-day window before allowing the deletion of a campaign is a protective measure. Premature deletion would have your contacts clicking on dead links, which could lead to unsubscriptions or spam complaints, harming your sending reputation.